This hard-working product helps even skin tone and target brown spots through brightening the skin and exfoliating old skin cells. It also protects...
DPN treatment in Central London
What is Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra?
Dermatosis papulosa Nigra (DPN) typically affects Latin Americans, Africans and those of African descent and those of mixed heritage. They appear as small, dark bumps, usually found on the face, neck, chest and back; they can grow in size and number if left unchecked, so treatment is best.
There are specific characteristics to look for when determining whether you have DPN:
• Small bumps, no bigger than 5mm in size
• Typically smooth, round and flat in appearance
• Can resemble skin tags
• Can become rough-looking in time
• Can darken and ‘spread’ with time
It’s not known what causes DPN, but it is more common in darker skin and does tend to run in families. Typically, they first begin to appear during the teenage years.
DPN is benign. We treat it using laser or advanced electrolysis in the clinic. Your Therapist or Doctor will assess your skin and determine the proper treatment. Depending on your skin tone, your skin may be pre-treated with some creams, which you can get from our Central London clinic to ensure an excellent result.